ELT is my cup of tea!
Lesson plans "Presents, food and festive mood"
by Yuliya Kumicheva
  • Suitable for students with B1+ level of English.
  • Suitable for teens and adults.
  • Suitable for both online and offline lessons: PDF-documents or Miro frames + wordwall activities, which can be assigned as holiday homework tasks.
  • 90-230 minutes of classroom time.

If you ever feel that holiday lessons are not particularly useful ("What is the point of learning words like "snowflake" or "carolling"? Students will never use them again"), have a look at these lessons: two lessons + a revision lesson to use after the holiday to make sure they use the words!

  • 90-min lesson on food based on an authentic video, focusing on describing foods and creating a banquet menu.
  • 90-min on gifts based on an authentic article on self-giftng, focusing on collaborative tasks, and vocabulary for describing gifts.
  • Detailed teacher's notes with extension ideas and extra activities.
  • A revision lesson based on the content of the lessons for you to teach after the holiday: communicative activities to revise words after the break. No need to plan your first lesson in 2024, it's already there!
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