• 90-min lesson on the past based on 3 voice memos on Telegram, focusing on discussing end-of-year reflections and becoming better story-tellers by using communicative strategies as making jokes, comparisons, and concessions. Language focus: communicative strategies, listening and vocabulary.
• 90-min lesson on the present based on an authentic article on finding joy in routine experiences, focusing on developing reading and vocabulary strategies. Language focus: reading, vocabulary, study skills.
• 90-min lesson on the future, focusing on revising vocabulary and communication strategies as well as developing learner autonomy and enabling students set goals for the future year. You can teach this lesson after the holiday - no need to plan your first lesson in 2023, it's already there! Language focus: writing, vocabulary revision.
• 45-min webinar and detailed teacher's notes with extension ideas, linguistic notes, variation ideas, and extra activities.