ELT is my cup of tea!
Language Progress Tracker
Yuliya Kumicheva - English teacher and trainer, materials designer and blogger

Language Progress Tracker
! Discontinued from Jan, 2021!
  • For teachers who would like to help their students to become more autonomous
  • For students of English with B2+ level of proficiency who want to study on their own

  • Choose from 35 resources you can use when learning alone or preparing for exams;
  • Join a Telegram chat curated by me to find a study buddy to practice speaking and writing; I'll be regularly updating the chat till Jan. 2021. After that you will have a library with 23 self-study tasks
  • Learn about how certain activities can benefit you and find ways to track your progress
  • Explore Notion as a cool platform to use in your studies or work with a 10-minute video tutorial;
  • Get practical tips on how to become a better language learner: ways to recycle words, record new language, and reflect back on your learning journey;
  • Create your own system for learning to keep yourself motivated over time.
* Организация Meta, а также её продукты — Instagram и Facebook относятся к экстремистским организациям на территории РФ