I wish I knew

An online teacher-training charity conference

Organized by Yuliya Kumicheva @cup_of_elt
June, 24 — June 25, 2023
Meet Ilia Dolgikh
Ilia, is 9-year-old from Saint Petersburg, he is one brave kid we're all rooting for. Our friend and conference speaker, Natalya Fomina, taught him English for more than two years. He was diagnosed with lymphoma, and now he's getting his treatment done at the Hadassah Clinic in Israel.

We believe in Ilia, and his parents, Oleg and Nadezhda Dolgikh. They're strong enough to keep pushing through this tough journey. They're real-life superheroes!

All the money we raise will go straight to Oleg and Nadezhda to help with Ilia's treatment. On behalf of Ilia's family, a big heartfelt thank you goes out to all of you. They're incredibly grateful for your support!
Four steps to join the conference
  • -1-
    Find banking details below and make a donation
    The suggested donation amount is 500 rubles or 6 dollars, but feel free to contribute more if you can. 100% of your donations will go directly to Ilia's family to support their crucial cause.
  • -2-
    Take a screenshot to confirm your transaction
    Keep this handy; you'll need it for the registration process.
  • -3-
    Fill out the registration form below
    Please ensure that you provide a valid email address and phone number.
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    Join conference's Telegram Chat
    We will use this platform to publish essential links and store relevant materials. You can also meet like-minded professionals there and share your impressions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via Telegram t.me/yuliya_kumicheva